OSUIA: The X International scientific and practical online conference "State and prospects of administrative law development of Ukraine"
The anniversary X International scientific and practical online conference "State and prospects of administrative law development of Ukraine" has been held by the department of administrative law and administrative process of the faculty of specialists training for subdevisions of preventive activities in the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs
Leading scholars, scientific and pedagogical staff of the institution of higher education, the President of the court of cassation, judges of the Supreme Court, employees of the territorial bodies of the National Police, doctoral students, post-graduate students, applicants of different levels and other interested professionals were event participants at the conference.
The event was solemnly opened by the Rector of Odesa State University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, associate professor, honored worker of Education of Ukraine, police colonel Dmytro Volodymyrovych Shvets, who mentioned that the purpose of the conference was the combining of efforts to the problems and development prospects in the context of modern reforming of administrative law in Ukraine, establishing cooperation and experience exchange.
He thanked those present who found the opportunity to take part in the scientific event despite such a difficult time for the country and wished all members creative inspiration, productive work, as well as, active exchange of views and experience and, of course, implementation of the scientific research results into practice.
Oleksandr Sergiyovych Tarasenko, the director of the Department of Education, Science and Sport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, candidate of Juridical Science, the police captain and Viktor Mykolayovich Beschastnyiy, the head of Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Doctor of public administration, professor, honored lawyer of Ukraine welcomed the attendees and wished them interesting discussions and, actually, development of scientific and practical demands concerning the improvement of administrative legislation!
The most popular issues of the day arising in the field of administrative law of Ukraine and foreign countries were mentioned in the reports.
Arranging the events like that gives the conference participants from different parts of Ukraine and the world the opportunity to communicate at the scientific level, to exchange some ideas and discuss some certain scientific problems, to master practical skills in the sphere of scientific activity and, actually, to participate in the discussion of foreground directions and leading issues.
Some peculiar and relevant suggestions and recommendations were formulated during the conference that will contribute to the further development of the science of modern administrative law, as well as, improvement of the activities of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, public administration, local governments and other civil society institutions, and further implement of the results of scientific achievements.