The implementation of the grant project “Non-viole...

The implementation of the grant project “Non-violent educational practices: EU experience” under the Erasmus+ program: Jean Monnet 2023 has begun at OSUIA


ERASMUS+ is the Program of international cooperation of the European Union with other countries of the world in the field of education, youth and sports. One of the features of this program is the Jean Monnet strand.


The idea of the project is due to an attempt to resolve existing contradictions between legal and social norms regarding the use of violent methods of raising children. In Ukraine, the use of any upbringing methods that degrade the dignity of a child is prohibited by law, however, established traditions and a lack of knowledge among adults cause an alarmingly high level of tolerance of violence in upbringing. The project team aims to teach cadets and university students – future law enforcement officers, as well as future teachers – students of the Odesa Pedagogical College in the ability to identify manifestations of violence, for which it is important to develop “zero” tolerance for the use of violent methods of raising children. This is an interdisciplinary task that requires the involvement of specialists from various fields of knowledge, as well as the use of modern methods of conducting classes.


Therefore, the project team includes representatives of various fields of knowledge: Olena Kovalova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor; Kostiantyn Palshkov, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor; Natalia Kharchenko, Candidate of Psychological Sciences; Olena Kniazieva, Candidate of Sociological Sciences. The preparation of the winning grant application was the result of university synergy under the leadership of the vice-rector for scientific work, Doctor of Law, Professor Maksym Kornienko and with the assistance of the university’s international cooperation department.


As a result of participating in the educational module, students will be able to implement the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities both in their professional activities and in their personal lives. A guide to approaches to raising children in EU countries will ensure the long-term effect of the project. Scientific and practical events and publications prepared within the framework of the project, as well as the results of a sociological study, will provide a wide audience with the results of its implementation and update the discussion on compliance with European standards in the process of raising children.


You can follow the progress of the project by following the link: