Representative of the OSUIA took part in the "Course for Trainers" in Tirgu Mures (Romania)
From 3 September to 12 November 2023, Police Lieutenant Oleksii Buk, a teacher of the premedical training cycle for police officers at the Odesa Police Academy, took part in the final course for paramedics, namely the "Course for Trainers". The event was organised with the participation of instructors from the National Training Centre for Emergency Medical Care and Evacuation, which is subordinated to the Emergency Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania.
The course, organised by NATO's Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre in cooperation with the Emergency Management Department of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, covered the Basic Life Support methodology (from now on referred to as the BLS course).
The American Heart Association developed the BLS protocol with the European Resuscitation Council. It is generally accepted in most countries of the world. A number of international studies have shown that following the recommendations of this protocol increases survival by up to 75%.
The training was conducted in accordance with the BLS ERC:2015 protocol.
The BLS course was taught by instructors from the National Training Centre for Emergency Medical Care and Evacuation. This training centre is subordinated to the Emergency Situations Department of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The instructors of this centre also train law enforcement officers, judicial authorities, employees of preschools, educational institutions, etc.
The training schedule was divided into theoretical training and practical training in the form of scenarios using simulation mannequins. During the first month, situational tasks of assisting adults, children and newborns according to the BLS protocol were considered. The second month was devoted to the practical part of the course, namely, duties in the hospital and as part of paramedic teams (SMURD). The last two weeks were spent teaching pedagogy and taking exams (testing, lectures, and practising practical skills through situational tasks using simulation mannequins).
The gained knowledge will further develop police officers who are directly involved in providing assistance to civilians in the performance of their duties, and emergency and crisis situations in peacetime.