Representatives of the OSUIA continue information ...
Representatives of the OSUIA continue information and educational activities within the framework of the action "16 days against violence"
On December 4, in order to attract the attention of city residents to this issue, an information event was held in the Shevchenko`s Park.
Representatives of the OSUIA together with EUAM prepared a photo zone and cards, among which residents had the opportunity to choose one of the proposed statements why domestic violence and gender-based violence have no place in the modern world.
By scanning the QR codes on the banner everyone could get acquainted with the strategies for responding to cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence.
Also applicants for higher education of the university informed the participants of the action about the forms of modern slavery and provided information booklets.
005 December, 2024
Forum ‘The problem of domestic violence through the eyes of young people’ was held at the OSUIA20 December, 2024