OSUIA: Canistherapy as a component of successful r...

OSUIA: Canistherapy as a component of successful rehabilitation and recovery of law enforcement officers after injuries



Canistherapy, as a method of positive psychosocial and physical rehabilitation effects, has been used by dog handlers for many years, because the primary role in canistherapy is assigned to interaction with specially trained dogs. In the Odessa region, police dog handlers with their four-legged charges will assist medical professionals in the rehabilitation and recovery of law enforcement officers after injuries.


The first meeting of law enforcement officers undergoing rehabilitation at the State Institution “Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Odessa Region” with “furry therapists” took place at the National Police Headquarters Canine Center.



Psychologists from the Psychological Support Department of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs HR Department were also involved in this meeting, and they had the opportunity to experience the effectiveness of the communication and interaction influence with the center's wards.



This meeting also gave each participant the opportunity to learn the specifics of dog training, their upbringing, interaction mechanisms and to feel the positive impact on mood, vitality, vigor and self-confidence. The first meeting was very productive because interaction with the animals helped reduce psychological and emotional tension and constraint, the desire to maintain restraint and control over one's emotions.



This was evident in the smiles and sparkle in the eyes of law enforcement officers undergoing rehabilitation at the State Institution “Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Odessa Region.” They willingly took photos, hugged and allowed the “fluffies” to lick them.


The time spent in the center passed unnoticed by every participant of the event, leaving warmth and tranquility in their hearts given by the wards of the of the National Police Headquarters Canine Center in the Odessa region.