Participation in a training on preventing and combating human trafficking

Тhe 3rd year cadets of the Faculty of Training of Specialists for Pre-trial Investigation Bodies of the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs took part in a training on preventing and combating human trafficking in Ukraine under martial law, which took place in Chernivtsi.
The event was organised by the NGO "Regional Youth Association" within the framework of the project "Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Ukraine - Steps Forward" with the financial support of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA) and using the resources of the German Federal Foreign Office.

Over the course of four days, the participants:
- Learned what human trafficking is and how to identify groups vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation;

- learned how to provide assistance to people who have suffered from human trafficking.
An important part of the training was working with legal acts and case studies.