Representatives of the European Union Advisory Mis...

Representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission visited the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs



Ukraine is actively working to bring its higher education system in line with European standards. In the context of the development of higher education, within the framework of European integration, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs continues to strengthen cooperation with practitioners from the European Union.


On 11 January, representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission visited Odesa State University of Internal Affairs: Rolf Holmbo (Danish citizen), Head of the European Union Advisory Mission; Georg Guntelberg (Danish citizen), Head of the Regional Office of the European Union Advisory Mission in Odesa; Azim Ostovar (Dutch citizen), Political Adviser. Azim Ostovar (Dutch national), Political Adviser; Martins Tols (Latvian citizen), Adviser/Trainer on Human Resources Management; Heidi Kotamaki (Finnish citizen), Adviser/Trainer on Community Policing; Johan Sorensen (Swedish citizen), Head of Political Analysis and Coordination Department; Roman Lypchanskyi (Ukrainian citizen), translator; Tetiana Belyenka (Ukrainian citizen), interpreter; Andrii Markov (Ukrainian citizen), prosecution expert.



The guests were told about the training of higher education students, focusing on practical and training classes that are regularly held at the university's training grounds. The foreign experts got acquainted with the material and technical base (educational buildings, specialised classrooms, gyms and shooting ranges) of the higher education institution.



At the end of the meeting, the parties identified further priority areas of cooperation. This is because such interaction contributes to improving the level of higher education, sharing knowledge and experience, developing research and training personnel that meet modern requirements and are able to compete internationally.