Agreement on scientific, educational and cultural ...

Agreement on scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between the OSUIA and Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Opolu


The development of international cooperation is one of the main priority direction of Ukraine’s activities, as well as an integral part of the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs strategy


Thus, an online meeting was held between the rector of the university, Colonel of Police Dmytro Shvets, and the vice-rector of the Academy of Applied Sciences of the Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole, Wojciech Duchmal (a citizen of Poland), with the aim of signing an Agreement on scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between higher educational institutions.


The signing of the respective document is aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation, carrying out joint information, educational and scientific events and projects.



During the online event, issues of establishing cooperation in the following areas were discussed:


– implementation of academic mobility between students, cadets, postgraduates and higher education institutions staff, which will facilitate the exchange of experience;


– preparation and publication of scientific articles, exchange of results and materials from scientific research in the field of educational activities;



– organization of conferences, seminars, lectures, webinars, workshops, round tables, trainings and other meetings that are of mutual interest.


At the end of the meeting, the participants agreed on coordinating a plan of action within the framework of cooperation between the Odesa State University of Internal Affairs and the Academy of Applied Sciences of the Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole.